Thursday, 24 May 2007

Southampton/Eastleigh merger still possible

Even after the overwhelming response to the Conservatives campaign to preserve the independence of Eastleigh Borough a merger is still possible.

Eastleigh’s Conservative leader Godfrey Olson put before the council a motion seeking to maintain Eastleigh’s independence. This motion was overwhelmingly defeated by the Liberal Democrats.

At a recent Council meeting Lib Dems stated that they wanted the borough to be part of an enlarged Southampton City region and were prepared to build a further 6000 houses in Eastleigh for Southampton workers..


Anonymous said...

I see Royston Smith (Southampton Conservative Deputy Leader) has repeated his comments about a Southampton/Eastleigh merger. Will Godfrey be giving him a call to see the record straight?

Anonymous said...

So what's your view on Grammar Schools?

Andrew C Ross said...

Soton Socialist, Please can you give me further details.