Sunday, 3 June 2007

Velmore Plans withdrawn!

I've been on holiday for the past week, walking in the Austrian Tyrol and just returned today. My wife Kate and I are celebrating 25 years of wonderfully happy marriage! Our actual Silver anniversary is in the summer but we expect to be leading a comp of English and Austrian young people at the time, which won't enable us to have a romantic time together!
I am delighted to hear the news from Godfrey Olson and others. The full text of the original email reads.

Dear Member
I have this morning received a letter from the First
Wessex Housing Group withdrawing all 7 of their planning applications for the redevelopment of Velmore estate. This is to enable them "to embark opon new consultation and full engagement with the local community." They say that "once we have concluded this process incorporating their needs, we will be resubmitting a revised scheme for the estate".

Colin Peters.
Head of Development Control

Let us hope that next time those of us who care about the community can have a full imput into the planning process.

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