A big thank you to all 525 of you who voted Conservative in Eastleigh South last Thursday. We managed to increase the number of votes cast for Conservatives by an amazing 76% (from 298 to 525). The events of the count were very exciting, with first Liberal Democrats thinking they had won by 15 votes, only for 20 votes for Labour to be found in the recount. Another spoilt Lib Dem ballot paper meant that eventually Labour won the seat by 6 votes. The actual figures were UKIP 180, Lib Dem 766, Lab 772, Con 525. Despite the tremendous successes nationally for Conservatives, it was a bad night for Conservatives, Labour, and the people of Eastleigh. The Lib Dems gained both Conservative seats and one of the two Labour seats. Only you, the Conservatives of South Eastleigh (many of whom had previously voted Lib Dem) stopped them making a clean sweep and sending a man from Hiltingbury to the Council as our representative.
The electorate has been conned
The Lib Dem newsletters were full of misinformation and spin and seem to have conned thousands of people into voting for them. Senior members of the party say they have never experienced such a filthy campaign by one party and a legal team is examining a number of their publications and certain voting irregularities.
One of the Lib Dem newsletters published in Eastleigh South has already been denounced by the Velmore Residents Association as "a complete lie."
The Lib Dems have been forced to apologise to the Eastleigh News Extra for producing a publication of the same name.
Lib Dem lies
One of the lies told by Lib Dems is that "an Eastleigh Conservative has launched a website campaigning AGAINST Eastleigh's planned cinema and leisure complex - SPOILTSPORT". We believe that they are referring to this site. The site was launched last November. The only mention of the cinema on this blog, before today, was the entry on April 11 which included a map of the town and an arrow showing
“New Cinema Complex – more traffic movements & parking problems”.
Hardly a website campaigning against the cinema! Incidentally, in an autumn 2006 newsletter the Lib Dems stated that work is not starting on the site until "after Christmas so there is no disruption in the town centre over the busy shopping period." Some of us have been waiting for this cinema for 8 years. Which Christmas are they referring to?
The Conservative Party
Tonight the Conservative team from Eastleigh South is having a party. We believe in celebrating success and rewarding our hard working activists. Next Wednesday evening (9th May) we begin to plan for the next 12 months. If you appreciate what we are trying to do for Eastleigh and want to help us move forward, please do get in touch. We would be delighted to send you membership details.
Saturday, 12 May 2007
News of the election
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Tory campaigning in Eastleigh South nearly cost Labour or one of our only two seats on the council.
Its the Labour vote that went down while the Tory vote went up. The Liberal vote was virtually the same. You took our votes not theirs.
If you had spent your time in West End and Hamble then maybe two Tories would not have lost seats and Eastleigh South could have been a safer victory for Labour.
What a sour loser!
The electorate have not been conned. Do not make out that voters are stupid and easily fooled. We looked at what each party had on offer and made our choices in the ballot box.
I don't always vote Lib Dem, but just now they are doing a good job so they got my support. That's democracy in action.
The Eastleigh Lib Dem hierarchy demonstrated their total cynicism and lack of integrity by launching a deliberately deceptive last minute campaign Borough-wide.
Dirty Trick 1. Publishing a paper designed to look like the ‘Eastleigh News Extra’ but that promoted Lib Dem propaganda. After publishing an apology in the local paper and saying it would not happen again, they continued to have the fake paper delivered.
Dirty Trick 2. Having demonstrated their support for a Southampton City takeover by rejecting the Conservative motion calling for Eastleigh’s independence to be upheld, they accused Conservatives of supporting such a move.
Dirty Trick 3. Claiming that Conservatives want to build on our open spaces when, as the local planning authority, Eastleigh’s Lib Dem Council continues to sanction all the overdevelopment that is taking place in Eastleigh.
Personal Attack 1. Suggesting that a political opponent, who had led the fight to save the Old Mount Hospital, was responsible for its closure.
Personal Attack 2. Making an issue of a candidate’s attendance record on a local town council even though they knew that he had serious health problems at the time.
Personal Attack 3. Making an issue of Fair Oak and Horton Heath’s Conservative candidate living in a different Local Area, when they themselves were quite happy to field a candidate living in the same Local Area for Eastleigh South. They then questioned his integrity and commitment by claiming he would spend election day ‘sitting at home’.
The depths to which Local Lib Dems are prepared to go, in their pursuit of a one party local administration with no effective opposition, will make all true Liberals ashamed!
Oh sorry, I didn't realise that Conservatives were supposed to be campaigning to get Labour party candidates elected! Personally I think some of the labour policies have been disastrous for the country, as have Lib Dems locally and that is why I and others were campaigning for a Conservative victory in Eastleigh South.
But on a serious note, I would appreciate your thoughts on why
1. the Labour vote went down so much in Eastleigh South
2. Why the Conservative vote went up so much
3. Why the Lib Dem vote held up despit such strong resentment to them in doorstep canvassing
4. Why anyone votes UKIP in a local election?
Signed comments will be read with interest
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