Hampshire County Council has been short-listed for a prestigious award which recognises outstanding public services.
Competition to become a finalist for an MJ Local Government Achievement award was extremely tough, with local authorities fighting for a short listed place in one of the 16 categories.
The Council won a finalist position in the: Promoting Active Communities Achievement category. It was also commended in two other MJ awards categories: Transforming Public Services Achievement of the Year and Best Use of Resources Achievement of the Year.
The promoting active communities achievement entry tells how Hampshire County Council is encouraging people to be more active and take more responsibility for themselves as they put health and wellbeing at the heart of community life.
Staff are at the forefront of helping deliver this agenda to the public through promoting healthy eating in schools and encouraging more exercise among young and older people. Internally a workplace activities scheme for county council employees has attracted some 21,000 visits in two years to various exercise classes.
Executive Member for Recreation and Heritage, Councillor Margaret Snaith, said: “I was absolutely delighted to find out that the Recreation and Heritage team has been short listed for this accolade of Promoting Active Communities Achievement of the Year award by the MJ.
“Every department in the authority is putting our ‘maximising wellbeing’ policy into action. The feedback from staff has been particularly positive as they see the young, old and disadvantaged in Hampshire get more active with a renewed zest for life.
“Achieving a short listed position at the awards is not only a credit to our staff but also shows how Hampshire County Council is providing the highest possible standard of service to the people of Hampshire.”
Hampshire County Council was also commended in the Transforming Public Service Achievement Award for its innovation, imagination and ambition in transforming the public library service. Embarking on an ambitious programme to regenerate old libraries, deliver Discovery Centre’s, extend opening hours and re-branding the library service were all part of Hampshire’s determination to tackle the decline in library use.
Councillor Snaith added: “You only have to look at our brand new Winchester Discovery Centre to see Hampshire’s dedication to reversing the decline in library use. Since it opened in late November 2007 it has attracted over 175,500 visitors, 60% more than the same period in 2005.Not only is it a fabulous modern library, there is also two galleries, a cafĂ©, learning spaces and numerous computers all under one roof – a real cultural destination in itself, so no wonder the crowds are flocking!”
The Council was also commended in the Best Use of Resources Achievement of the Year award for its savings through modernisation in Adult Services. Through a forward thinking programme of savings which combined spending reduction with modernisation to such effect that the Council has moved from two to three stars for Adult Social Care with excellent prospects for improvement.
Leader of Hampshire County Council, Councillor Ken Thornber CBE said: “Congratulations to everyone who has helped put Hampshire County Council on the MJ map as one of the best performing local authorities.”
The winners will be announced at a gala awards night on June 26 in London, by Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow.
This is the fifth year the MJ has run the awards.
Other short listed authorities for the Promoting Active Communities Award are: Birmingham City Council, Caradon DC, East Ayshire Council, Lambeth LBC, North Tyneside MBC, North West Leicestershire DC, Walsall MBC.Hampshire County Council owns thousands of acres of beautiful countryside and parks and is using them to promote the benefits of increased levels of exercise and activity.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Hampshire County Council short listed for prestigious MJ award
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Where did the money go?
Dr Andrew C Ross, Eastleigh. (As published in Southampton Daily Echo 3/4/08)
Saturday, 29 March 2008
The Scandal of Sid
Sid’s History
Sid the Sycamore was planted 72 years ago to celebrate Eastleigh becoming a borough. Sycamores are not particularly special trees but because of it’s historical significance and location this one is!
The Point
The Point is Eastleigh’s dance centre. Last year Eastleigh Borough Council put in over £300,000 into the Centre. This year, on February 6th Eastleigh Borough Council Cabinet agreed to pump in a further £2,674,700 over the period of 2008 to 2010 to develop phase 3 of the Point. This development comes at the expense of the taxpayer and the Recreation Ground.
Council connivance
At the Council Cabinet meeting on March 6th Councillor House announced to the Cabinet that there had been a request for a judicial review on the proposed felling of Sid by a member of the public.
According to Wikipedia a Judicial review is the power of a court to review the actions of public sector bodies in terms of their legality or constitutionality. In some jurisdictions it is also possible to review the constitutionality of the law itself. A person who feels that an exercise of such power by, say,… the local council …., is unlawful, perhaps because it has violated his or her rights, may apply to the Administrative Court (a division of the High Court) for judicial review of the decision. If the application for judicial review is successful, the Court may set aside (quash) the unlawful act. In certain limited circumstances, the Claimant may be able to obtain damages. A court may also make a mandatory or prohibitory order or an injunction to compel the authority to act lawfully or to stop it from acting unlawfully .It is thus amazing that the Local Councillors of Eastleigh have allowed the felling of this tree given that they could be in contempt of court and referred to the standards committee.
Lib Dems look on
Lib. Dem. Councillor Chris Thomas, chair of the Local Area Committee, claimed that he had no specific knowledge that the tree was going to be cut down on Easter Monday, but strangely, members of the public saw fellow Lib.Dem Councillors Davies-Dear and Wayne Irish sitting in a car in a side street watching the whole process. In the photograph Lib.Dem councillor Andy Moore(left) looks down with shame and embarrasment when challenged by Conservative Robert Quane on the night before Sid's death..
What most disappoints me is that part of the pretty Recreational ground is to be lost for a phase 3 extension for a dance centre. Time after time these councilors are chipping away at our green spaces, be they allotments, parks or greens and selling off the land or just building on it. And all the time it costs the Council tax payers more money - £3000 in this case, just for the destruction of one precious and historic tree.
Building a vote loser?
Currently, I calculate that there are 1156 new dwellings in the process of construction or planning in the town of Eastleigh, not including smaller building projects of which there are scores. They are
Each dwelling will create an extra six traffic movements, that is another 7000 more traffic movements around Eastleigh a day. Travel will become a nightmare for commuters and the emergency services alike. Yet our Liberal Democrat council persist with this madness. Why? We have the chance to tell them "No more'', this May 1.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Referendum results and local views
The views of three Eastleigh people and the BBC.
Maria Hutchings, Eastleigh Conservative Candidate writes:
"The 2nd March 2008 will be recorded in history books as the day people demanded democracy."
"The results of the I Want A Referendum Poll in Eastleigh were announced: "
"20,361 people voted (more people than voted for Eastleigh's MP Chris Huhne, and than voted in the 2007 local elections and the European elections). 18,370 wanted a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Over 90% were AGAINST agreeing the Lisbon Treaty which will give us less control over British affairs. "
"Only 10 constituencies in Great Britain were polled and Eastleigh came top in terms of wanting a referendum and not giving away more powers to Brussels. "
"I know that you care as passionately as I do about making sure we keep greater control over British policy. Anybody who says Eastleigh voters aren't that interested in the relationship between the EU and Britain couldn't be more wrong. "
"Chris Huhne promised you a referendum at the last general election but now he believes you should no longer have the right of a referendum. He has broken his promise. I am appalled by this and have urged him in the strongest terms do the honourable thing and vote for a referendum in Parliament."
"I am proud to British, proud of our traditions and of who we are and do NOT want to be controlled by Europe. I will continue the fight for the good of Britain, the people of Eastleigh and our children. "
Chris Rhodes, local Conservative writes:
"Mr Chris Huhne’s dismissal of the ‘I Want a referendum’ result in Eastleigh is breathtakingly arrogant and shows the contempt he has for his electorate. He also insults their intelligence by pretending that the Lisbon Treaty is not the same as the constitution, whilst other European leaders and the Foreign Affairs Committee, believe it to be virtually identical. "
"Mr Huhne quoted percentage of voter responses to justify his position but failed to mention the actual votes received. In the General election he polled 19, 316 votes yet on a pole, of about two thirds of the electorate, calling for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty (EU Constitution) 20, 361 voted and of these 18, 370 called for a referendum."
"Huhne should remember that he is a servant of the people – not the other way round. His, apparent, intention to ignore this vote is yet another reason why politicians are so often held in contempt by their electorate."
The BBC website says:
"MPs have overwhelmingly rejected a Liberal Democrat attempt to force a debate on Britain's EU membership. MPs voted by 471 to 68 not to allow the debate. "
"The government and the Lib Dems say the treaty does not have constitutional implications, so a referendum on it is not needed."
"But the Conservatives, some Labour and Lib Dem MPs and the UK Independence Party, all say that it is effectively the constitution under a different name - so there should be a referendum.
Wednesday's vote in the House of Commons - expected in the early evening - is seen as the key vote in the EU treaty's progress through the UK Parliament. "
Conservative leader David Cameron says he hopes they can win - but said "a lot depends" on support from rebel Lib Dem MPs.
Kate Ross says:
"Chris Huhne and the other Liberal Democrats promised the electorate a referendum on the European Constitution. Tomorrow the debate on the Lisbon treaty concludes with a vote. Lib Dems should take the opportunity afforded to them at the end of the debate to vote with the Conservatives and others for a referendum on the Lisbon treaty."
What do you think? Send us your blog - see below.
Monday, 25 February 2008
Referendum or no referendum?
At the last general election in 2005 all three main parties promised a referendum on the planned European Constitution. Where is that referendum? Well it is being held in 10 constituencies across the UK but sadly without all party Parliamentary support.
Our Parliament is currently debating whether we should accept the Lisbon treaty or not. When will Parliament give us a referendum on that? If, at a referendum, the United Kingdom rejects the Lisbon treaty then we should have Mr Clegg's referendum on whether we should be in or out of Europe. Step by step our country can make decisions. The people: Parliament: The People. Simple!
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Lib Dem Councillors vote to destroy part of Recreation ground
At last week's meeting of the Local area committee (Monday 18th February) six Lib Dem councillors voted to extend the Point, Eastleigh's Community dance centre further into the Recreation Ground, Eastleigh’s Protected urban green space.
The proposals will allow for the creation of new dance studios, a link building and alterations to existing buildings. 150 square metres of land is to be lost including Sid the Sycamore tree which has been the subject of a major conservation effort by people from Eastleigh.(see http://www.everyoneweb.com/savesid/).
PPS 9 also states that “developments must take account of the role and value of biodiversity in supporting economic diversification and contributing to a high quality environment” and that “if significant harm cannot be prevented to such tree’s, then planning permission should be REFUSED.”
If you are concerned about these issues please contact me asap. See more about Sid on : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaOXpRIDOIW.
Friday, 22 February 2008
Maria moves to Eastleigh
Maria Hutchings has moved to Eastleigh! After months of waiting for exchange of contracts at last the Hutchings family contract has been exchanged and she is moving in. She has been incredibly busy since her selection last autumn so now she will be able to do even more to help the people of Eastleigh.
The Referendum on Europe
With Eastleigh in the middle of a referendum on Europe it is perhaps worthwhile thinking about those two questions on the ballot paper:
1. Should the United Kingdom hold a national referendum on the EU’s Lisbon Treaty: yes or no?
2. Should the United Kingdom adopt the EU’s Lisbon treaty: yes or no?
Parliament is currently debating the new European Union Treaty called the Lisbon treaty which would give significant powers to the EU. MPs are going to decide whether Britain should accept the Treaty and whether to give people a say in a national referendum.
Currently most Labour and Lib. Dem MPs are in favour of accepting the European Treaty while many Conservative MPs are opposed to accepting it.
Can we trust the M.P.s to do the right thing? Well first we need to know what people think. That is the reason for having a referendum in 10 constituencies nationally and we are fortunate to be one of those. Our vote is supposed to represent the South East of England.
Personally I am in favour of being in Europe but not ruled by it. As the Lisbon treaty seeks to extend its rule over 60 of our vetoes I am against accepting the Lisbon treaty. In fact I would rather be out of Europe than accept the treaty. Why?
1. A secret European Parliament report has uncovered “extensive, widespread and criminal abuse” by MEPs of staff allowances worth almost £100 m a year. Many are illegally claiming £125 000 a year for staff and then disbursing it as they wish.
2. For 13 years in a row the European Court of Auditors has refused to endorse the European budget. However the MEPs have voted through the money anyway.
3. If MEPs cannot run their own accounts honestly are they the right people to be in charge of our taxes, our foreign policy, our laws and our borders?
4. The Lisbon Treaty will give them 60 new areas where they can make laws that affect us. Britain, by enlarge, obeys these European rulings, the rest of Europe, by enlarge, ignores them. So we as a nation are constantly shooting ourselves in the foot.
May I encourage all my readers to think carefully through these issues, vote in the referendum and make your views known to our MP and ex MEP who is one of the most pro- European people around.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
We want a referendum!
Yesterday afternoon I attended a meeting at the Railway Institute in Eastleigh organised by the I want a referendum.com campaign. I had heard various bits about this referendum in the media which has been organised in 10 constituencies in Britain but wasn’t very sure what was going to happen at the meeting. It proved to be a very interesting time!
The meeting was hosted by a Michael Taylor of the “I want a Referendum” campaign who was at pains to say that he was politically neutral and had voted for all 3 parties in recent years. On the platform was Daniel Hannan, Hampshire’s MEP, Richard Robinson, prospective MEP, and Maria Hutchings, Eastleigh’s prospective Parliamentary candidate. There was a place set for Chris Huhne, but he didn’t turn up. The audience seemed fairly evenly divided between UKIP, Conservative and Lib. Dems. I didn’t discern that there were any Labour supporters present, perhaps they are not interested in Europe?
There were some good speeches from Michael Taylor, Maria and Daniel followed by a lengthy question and answer time.
The most interesting points for me were:
The Lisbon treaty is very similar to the Constitution which was rejected by two nations recently. It would effectively make the EU into a country with a head of state, a foreign policy, the power of coercive force and allow it to be recognised by other nations.
Many people spoke of the loss of Britain’s national sovereignty and the increasing control over Britain by Europe and felt this was a step too far. The general feeling seemed to be a preference “to be in Europe, but not controlled by it.”
When Daniel Hannan was challenged (by a UKIP guy I think) why the Conservatives had voted for the Maarstricht treaty he asked how many people who were old enough had voted for it. About 2/3 of the people in the room put up their hands while 1/3 of the audience had voted against it. Daniel explained that this was roughly in lines with the national vote. People thought they were voting for a common market, not national unification. They had been hoodwinked by the politicians (particularly the European ones). He then asked how many would vote for the Lisbon Treaty now. One person was in favour with almost everyone else against. He explained that this was like the Conservative party, they had made a mistake supporting the Maarstricht treaty and should not make the same mistake supporting this one.
One questioner suggested that it was as if the European train was hurtling along towards full unification and that we needed a referendum to give us as a nation an opportunity to stop the train briefly so that we could consider whether we wanted to stay on the train or get off.
A member of the audience explained that Chris Huhne was opposed to a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, but wanted a referendum on the whole issue of whether to be in Europe or not. Evidently he is starting his own campaign for a “real referendum”. This seems rather bizarre as Huhne was a European MEP and has really profited financially from Europe as well as being one of the most pro- European Lib. Dems. Before the last election Huhne promised the Eastleigh electorate that he would support a referendum on the European Union’s Constitutional Treaty. He has gone back on that promise, refusing to support a referendum on the treaty in his own constituency and yet wants his own idea of a referendum on whether to be in or out of Europe.
There were some interesting discussions between UKIP and Conservative supporters, with UKIP members expressing their surprise that Conservatives were so Eurosceptic and Conservatives urging UKIP voters to vote Conservative to install a more like minded MP and kick out a strongly pro-European MP.
The meeting ended after about 75 minutes with the platform speakers urging all present to use this opportunity to vote on a referendum. Some Eastleigh people will not have received a voting form because they ticked a box on the Electoral list form saying that they did not want to be contacted by 3rd parties. If they wish to receive a ballot paper they must call 0208 365 8909 within a few days. Voting closes on 25th February.
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Eastleigh's rat and people problems
I've just been wandering round Eastleigh's town centre with Matthew Myatt, freelance photographer, Sam Snook, local expert on the sewers of Eastleigh and Robert Quane, Conservative Candidate for Eastleigh Central. Matthew showed us heaps of rotting rubbish, bags of discarded food, piles of cardboard boxes and as we watched some large rats scuttled about. Matthew explained that at 2 or 3 am the place was live with large rats. Sam added that with such abundant food and hiding places the rats hardly need to live in the sewers any longer because they can rest up in the piles of rubbish.
What is to be done about this? Well these firms pay their taxes to the Borough for their refuse to be disposed of. But the bins are full and overflowing. Clearly some people are neglecting to do their duty. Council workers, Environmental health Officers and Shopkeepers may all share some of the responsibility.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Borough Council attempting to cut down trees in Recreation ground
Check out this website for details of a murderous plot by our Council.