Friday 30 March 2007

A message for the Liberal Democrats Give us our money back!

Eastleigh Borough Council received £250,000 from developers of the Pirelli estate which has been earmarked for improving Grantham Green.

Where has it gone ?
£2,039 spent on internal staff time
£1,135 for Topographical survey
(Wait for it - it becomes worse) A whopping £17,030 for the Planning Policy Engineers time.
Now it becomes serious;
The cost of a small trampolinewas a staggering £12,847.

An email from the Council states, “Officer’s time is being spent working on a new scheme and further consultation is underway.”

“The nature of the scheme is still to be decided and it is hoped to take an initial report to Cabinet in April 2007. Costs incurred will be charged against the developers and it is estimated that to complete the design and consultation process will cost approximately £30,000”

We already pay our council staff out of the Council Tax, now we are being charged a second time for the same service!!

The conservatives want the money back.

“Give the people the power to decide what to do and let them manage the money to implement their plans.”

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