Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Victory in the Battle of Grantham Green!

Local residents are celebrating the defeat of Lib Dem plans to build flats on Grantham Green which they denied existed in the May 2006 election. A packed meeting of the Local Area committee on 19th September saw the Lib Dems cave in to public pressure.

A public consultation will now follow to decide how the green can be improved with the need for housing development. Robert Quane, Eastleigh Central Conservative spokesman led the campaign which was supported by hundreds of local people.

Sadly, already £20,000 of developers contributions towards the green have been frittered away by the Borough Council in “consultations” and £13,000 on upgrading the children’s play area.

When Velmore’s Cox Road playing field was allocated over £50,000 for “redevelopment” many people were consulted, but in the end a few children’s playground rides, a teenage shelter and one set of football post were all the council managed to come up with for the money.

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