Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Allotments Association still fighting the Borough Council and Government

Eastleigh Allotment Association is now in their 4th year of a campaign to save three allotment sites threatened by housing development. In December 2002, Lib Dems in Eastleigh Borough Council announced plans to allocate the allotments in South Street, Monks Way and Woodside Avenue as sites for new homes. These proposals appeared in the Local Plan Review, which went to Public Inquiry in 2004. Supported by hundreds of allotment holders and 14,000 local residents, the Association presented evidence to the inquiry in opposition to these controversial housing proposals.

In July 2006 The Government Offices for the South East (GOSE) announced that the Secretary of State’s decision was to grant consent for the disposal of South Street and Monks Way allotments for the building of 435 new homes. An affected plot holder has recently applied for a Judicial review of the decision.

Despite a large waiting list of people wishing to cultivate an allotment, the Council refuses to let vacant plots at South Street, Monks Way and Woodside Avenue allotments.

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